Congress of the Philippines

The Secretariat provides the Members of the House with adequate, timely, relevant and efficient administrative and technical assistance and support to enable them to perform their legislative tasks and constituent responsibilities.
The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General. In the discharge of his duties and responsibilities, he is assisted by:
The Deputy Secretary General for Operations who oversees the:
- Plenary Affairs Bureau, which provides Secretariat services in the processing of bills/resolutions and documentation of plenary proceedings and debates.

- Reference and Research Bureau, which provides bill drafting, legislative counseling and research services to the House Members.
The Deputy Secretary General for Committee Affairs who oversees the:
Committee Affairs Department, which provides technical and administrative support services to the standing and special committees of the House of Representatives, through its nine Committee Technical Support Services and one Committee Administrative Support Service.
The Deputy Secretary General for Administration who oversees the:
Administrative Management Bureau, which is responsible for personnel transactions and human resource development, printing and reproduction, medical and dental, records, property and procurement services.
The Deputy Secretary General for Finance
who is responsible for the management of the financial resources of the House by providing direction, assistance and advice on budgetary matters, and control on the utilization of funds of the House. He oversees the:

- Accounting, Budget and Cashiering Services, which are responsible for implementing approved programs, systems and procedures relating to financial matters.
The Deputy Secretary General for Internal Audit
- Management Audit Service, which conducts periodic examination and evaluation of the administrative systems on personnel records, procurement and property management to determine compliance with internal policies, applicable laws, rules and regulations.

- Fiscal Control Service, which evaluates the adequacy of the internal control system in safeguarding assets and properties and coordinates with the Commission on Audit in implementing recommendations contained in its annual audit report.
- Engineering Service, which maintains all mechanical, electrical and communication facilities of the House.
- Building and Grounds Maintenance Service, which oversees the construction, maintenance and repair of the House grounds and facilities.
Oversees the Office of Legal Affairs, which provides legal services including the investigation and review of administrative cases of Secretariat personnel, legal research and the rendering of legal opinions on matters of local and national concern.
Oversees the for the Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department (per Administrative Order No. 05-15, 05 October 2015) oversees the Socio-Economic Research Bureau (SERB) and the Budget and Tax Research Bureau (BTRB) in providing technical service in the formulation of national economic, fiscal, and social policies.
The Socio-Economic Research Bureau (SERB), provides technical assistance to the Speaker, House Members, and House Committees in the conceptualization, formulation, review, and evaluation of economic and social policies. The SERB shall have two Services, namely:
The Economic Policy Research Service (EPRS), prepares technical papers and studies on the macroeconomy including an analysis of the national budget and its conformity with macroeconomic assumptions and forecasts; undertakes simulations and analyses of key macroeconomic variables, industry, infrastructure and other socio-economic data necessary for the consideration of pertinent legislative measures; and assists in the review of the national development plan and relevant economic policies.
The Social Policy Research Service (SPRS), undertakes researches and studies on social and rural policy concerns in aid of legislation and in support of the oversight functions of the House of Representatives; coordinates and liaises with government agencies, multi-lateral institutions, academe and civil organizations for knowledge sharing; maintains databases on social and rural development concerns; reviews various national development plans and other sectoral reform documents.
Budget and Tax Research Bureau (BTRB), provides technical assistance to the Speaker, House Members, and House Committees in the formulation and review of policies relating to budget and taxation, and in the analyses of the government’s fiscal position and use of funds. The BTRB shall have two Services, namely:
The Budget Policy Research Service (BPRS) , provides information on the budget and bills authorizing and providing budget authority or tax expenditures; prepares macro analysis of the national budget; monitors and evaluates government programs and projects and assistance in the oversight functions of the House of Representatives; and reviews and analyzes the performance of various government agencies.
The Tax Policy Research Service (TPRS) , provides technical inputs on tax proposals and revenue-generating systems; conducts research on tax measures and the effects of fiscal incentives, tax concessions, and foreign agreements on tariff and international trade; monitors and assesses existing revenue-generating systems and recommendation of possible alternative sources and forms of revenue; and identifies areas of improvement in revenue collection and recommendation of studies and research on the conduct of tax collection and other fiscal matters.
is responsible for managing legislative information and information-related resources, and services to serve the needs of the House of Representatives in serving its constitutional mandate, the House Members in performing their lawmaking, constituency, and oversight duties and responsibilities, and the general public in accessing legislative information. As the House of Representatives historian, the Deputy Secretary General for Legislative Information Resources Management oversees the:

- Congressional Library Bureau
- Archives and Musuem Management Bureau
Oversees the
-Inter-Parliamentary Relations and Special Affairs Bureau (IPRSAB) and the
- Press and Public Affairs Bureau (PPAB)

as these Bureaus manage the public affairs of the HRep and its Members, and as they ensure substantive participation in international affairs and conferences. The Department advocates and promotes the legislative accomplishments of the institution through media releases and the production of institutional materials for internal and external distribution. It also builds, fosters and strengthens relations of the HRep and its Members with their constituents, sectors, stakeholders, the media, foreign legislative bodies and government offices, and inter-parliamentary organizations.
Knowledge Management Systems Bureau which oversees the:
Information and Communication Technology Service, which is responsible for the overall planning, development and implementation of the ICT plans and programs for the House of Representatives. It serves as a support function of the Secretariat to achieve more effective and efficient legislation and operations throught the establishment of appropriate information, and communication infrastructures, and the implementation of comprehensive automated information systems.
Planning and Management Information Service which institutionalizes systems in the Secretariat to eneble formulation and periodic assessment of its plans, programs, and policies, and provides technical and administrative support to the EXCOM (Executive Committee), and various Secretariat units such as the conduct of studies to maximize resource and manpower utilization.